Saturday, January 23, 2010

the slo mo blowoff


Before I get on to my main subject, I want to recommend that you institute hard and fast rules that disqualify a guy from consideration: above a certain age, below a certain school ranking. Otherwise you're going to run yourself ragged going on four dates in a five day workweek. That shit is just not sustainable. The volume of guys you're going to have to sift through is just too great not to use some initial qualifying criteria. One of the problems with this strategy is that asking where someone went to school might seem pretentious in a messenging convo. Sometimes its just more natural to wait until it comes up in conversation.

But onto my main subject: the extreme difficulty people have admitting to someone that they're not into them romantically. Instead, most people just resort to the blowoff. Why do we do this, and would it show more respect for the other person if we went to the trouble of telling them we weren't feeling it? But that approach feels confrontational and judgemental. Which way is kinder? I don't think its that obvious. For one thing, if you blow them off, they can invent whatever reson they like for why it didn't work out. But if you go tell them it didn't and produce some marginal reason, they don't have the luxury of using their (self indulgent) imagination.

So 2 of 3 last weeks girls will probably get the tried and true blowoff.



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