Monday, January 11, 2010

first dates at starbucks


one basic problem you're going to be facing in the brave new world of internet dating is that the inherent lasciviousness of guys will manifest itself more readily on the internet. in general I suspect the caliber of the women on this site are better than the men, partially due to the fact that a woman is, on average, less of an idiot than a man, but also because new york has a particularly distasteful breed of brash and boorish man.

while doing work on sunday night (don't ask) I happened to overhear what was quite evidently a first date. the girl seemed petite and cute, while the guy looked like the kid in seventh grade math who you only spoke to so that they'd put Snake on your Ti-83. Initially I assumed they were friends, but the nature of their conversation made it readily apparent that this was a noncommital getting-to-know you datish meeting. Aside from the fact that the conversation was as flat as a week old Coke and the atmosphere as sexless as a Presbyterian Chuch, I couldn't begin to figure out why this girl had agreed to the meet and greet until we got to...Professions!

Cute, Petite Girl: Assistant Teacher
Poindexter: comp sci phd (dropped), now at Google

ding! ding! ding!

i really hope they don't go for the second date. Money and a condo in the UWS are one thing, but a sexless, awkward life is quite another.

May neither of us have a first date as flat as that one.

Henceforth, I will refrain from giving girls names unless I actually go on a date with them. Otherwise I'll have to think up too many names.

Priss! Another date tonight! You're killing, girl, just killing!

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